Kingdom Disciples Training


  • desire to enter an intimate relationship with God?
  • know what your gifts and calling are and what God wants to do through you?
  • understand what it means to be a disciple-maker and multiply simple churches?
  • want to make the Kingdom of God tangible in your home, work, neighborhood and city?

In the book of Acts, the people who came to know Jesus and had been healed, set free and filled with the Holy Spirit, brought radical change to the nations in a short time. According to recent statistics, Europe has become the least evangelized and most atheistic continent in the world. People are turning away from church structures and religion and therefore Jesus is calling us ever more clearly to focus our energies and resources on “making disciples of all nations...” (Mt. 28:18-20).

Christ has called us to continue His work. He has promised, for those who take this mandate, that it will be possible for us to do greater works than He did (John 14:12)! We believe God has brought us into His Church to teach us to love Him, work on our lives, and He wants to train us for the works of the Kingdom.

Kingdom Disciple Training is a school of ministry designed for believers who want to see real fruit in their faith walk and are directly integrated into church life, giving all the benefits of local training and equipping people you know and trust. We believe that in doing the works of Jesus, ‘everyone can get involved’ and everyone should be trained. This course has made this possible and is tailormade for the ordinary person of any church, nationality and educational background. In these meetings, we will learn from the teachings of Jesus and we will deepen, reflect and put into practice what we have discussed together. Jesus is our model in making disciples of the Kingdom and we want to become more like Him in our character, works, and lifestyle. Understanding the basics of discipleship, how to start and multiplying churches and grow spiritually will make participants more effective in building the Kingdom of God in the nations.


  • The nature and character of God.

  • Biblical image of God and the fundamental truths of the Kingdom.

  • Principles of biblical and practical discipleship.

  • How to discern God’s will and listen to His voice.

  • Our identity in God.

  • Prayer, intercession and the spiritual warfare.

  • The person, gifts and work of the Holy Spirit.

  • The Kingdom mission. Plant and multiply Kingdom communities.

  • Inductive Bible study. Self discover bible study. 

  • Relationships, family, marriage and raising children. 

  • Being good stewards of God’s creation (models for sustainable natural agricultural).

  • Introduction to pastoral care and inner healing.

  • Calling and serving in the Kingdom. 

  • Ethics, work and financial management in the Kingdom of God.


TEACHING: A simple, practical, strong and biblical theology is essential to walk and serve in the Holy Spirit. This will enable the participants to grow in the right direction and equip them with faith to enter deeply into the principles of the Kingdom of God and what He has called us to do in the world. In the first part of each meeting, we will share teachings and experiences to enable a proper understanding of the tools of the Kingdom, followed by questions and exercises designed to encourage practical application and relevant change in the lives of the participants. We will provide teaching materials and simple handouts to the students at the end of each training session.

ACTIVATION: Our activation journey is full of practical steps and individual prayer that will make working with the Holy Spirit accessible to anyone, regardless of previous experience and spiritual knowledge. These activities encourage understanding spiritual gifts and introduce the participants to service as a simple and concrete skill that can be learned and improved through practice. Our online training system ensures the students to be fully equipped to make this an empowering learning experience for the believers and their communities.

PRACTICE: Exercising your gifts and put into practice what you learn in real life is fundamental to the learning process. Each session of Kingdom discipleship training will include practical activities that put the students’ knowledge and experience in motion in the ministry context. This includes serving the poor, the country and region in which one lives, the mission and the local church in order to gain a deep understanding of Kingdom principles and be able to pass on what one has learned to others. Practice will grow and solidify the training and skills learned in the training sessions so that students have a good foundation of ministry experience.

HOW AND WHEN: Training will contain tutorial lectures and practical individual sessions. This course is made up of 10 two-hour sessions.
450.- € per per person (800.- € per couples)
All donations will help the poor in projects in Europe and India and advance the Kingdom of God in the nations.

GRAZIANO & SONJA CREPALDI (Founders & Leaders Life Share Network)
Since 2002, Graziano and Sonja Crepaldi live near Winterthur (Switzerland) with their 2 children. It involved them in church planting, training and in making disciples in Switzerland, Europe and India. Graziano has a degree in International Studies (Political Science) from the University of Turin (Italy) and received his Associate of Arts in Missions from the University of the Nations (USA). For over 25 years, the Crepaldis have been involved in the growth of local churches, the training of leaders, and the multiplication of discipleship groups. In collaboration with other leaders, they have helped hundreds of people to enter a personal relationship with God. They hope to see the fulfillment of God’s plan for the nations, especially among the unreached people groups of the earth.

I started the discipleship course organised by Life Share Network full of expectations: Thank God they were abundantly fulfilled. Already in the first lessons, well-known Bible verses were suggested, but presented in a way that opened my eyes and mind to the principles of the Kingdom of God. The discussion with the other participants was very constructive and it was instructive to fill in the gaps by asking the organisers for explanations. The course enabled me to become a true disciple of Jesus and was one of the most beautiful spiritual gifts God has given me. (Elda S.)

In this course I was able to "train" myself to put into practice in my faith journey what it means to follow Christ. Following Jesus starts with being and not doing. This started a "work in progress on myself" and this training helped me to better understand: my identity in Christ, the wrong image I had created of God, and the motivation for which I wanted to follow Jesus. The simple and practical teachings helped me to get back to the concrete part of being a disciple, to focus on Jesus and to do his works that he teaches us in the gospels. My prayer for you and that you will discover in this training (Romans 12:2): "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may know by experience what is the will of God, the good, acceptable and perfect will.  (Corina G.)

This training helped open my eyes to what it really means to follow Jesus; I experienced true love for others through service and giving of myself; I began to understand and exercise authority as a child of God; I saw transformations in my family and around me. I am grateful to the Lord for this journey. (Daniela S.)

This individual or group online training and other discipleship and leadership courses can be booked at: