Freedom in Christ Course

Formazione per la cura d'anima ed il discepolato (inizio Settembre '24). Ulteriori Informazioni...

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. (Gal. 5:1). As children of God it is our job to model true freedom, provoking jealousy in the hearts of all who are bound. Jesus did not die just to reserve our place in heaven. He died to release the freedom of heaven to us, and through us to all the earth. While on earth Jesus modeled what true freedom looks like. If you want to experience the same quality of life He did, this course is for you. During this training you will discover any area in which you have settled for less than the freedom Jesus enjoyed and has made available to you. You will learn how to develop a lifestyle of freedom which brings freedom to others and how to pray for people in bondage. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! The aim of this training to bring understanding about the context of holistic healing and how we can experience healing in our personal brokenness through the power of the cross and the Holy Spirit.  You will learn how to develop a lifestyle of freedom that brings freedom to others and how to pray for people in bondage. 
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! 


This training was one of the most impactful and life changing things that I ever experienced. God really used these sessions to minister to me and teach me in a powerful way. I now feel more equipped and empowered to love and reach the broken and hurting. I am resting and living more fully in the love of Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful to Graziano for using his gifts to love and serve those around him. (Philip)


  • want to grow personally in your faith.
  • Want to understand and experience the healing and uplifting power of Jesus more deeply together with others.
  • Want to disciple others in your church or group.

HOW AND WHEN: Training will contain tutorial lectures and practical individual sessions. This course is made up of 10 two-hour sessions.
FEE: 450.- € per person (800.- € per couples)
All donations will help the poor in projects in Europe and India and advance the Kingdom of God in the nations. We offer individual, couple and groups counselling.

GRAZIANO & SONJA CREPALDI (Founders & Leaders Life Share Network)
Since 2002, Graziano and Sonja Crepaldi live in the region of Winterthur (Switzerland) with their 2 children. They are involved in church planting, training and in making disciples in Switzerland, Europe and India. Graziano has a degree in International Studies (Political Science) from the University of Turin (Italy) and received his Associate of Arts in Missions from University of the Nations (USA). For more than 25 years the Crepaldis have been involved in the growth of local churches, the training of leaders and the multiplication of discipleship groups. In collaboration with other leaders they have helped hundreds of people to enter into a personal relationship with God. Their desire is to see the fulfillment of God's plan for the nations, especially among the unreached people groups of the earth.

This individual or group online training and other discipleship and leadership courses can be booked at: