

When I couldn't find a suitable apprenticeship, I had the impression that I was going to have a gap year after finishing school. I spend some time in prayer and it became pretty clear that I needed to have an internship with Life Share Network Switzerland. My parents were excited about this idea and after praying, they felt that this was God’s will for me. So without doubts we jumped into this project and it was the best decision we could have made. In this year I have grown in my faith, confidence and security. I have learned many valuable things for my future, such as serving, encouraging others, relying on God and accomplishing practical assignments. Now I feel ready to start my apprenticeship as a bookseller in the summer.
Simona Crepaldi (Intern Life Share Network Switzerland)


Since we started our work in Madagascar we felt that the Lord wants to use us in the training of young people through sewing. We have prayed and decided to move into action. We are currently working on a sewing curriculum in the form of an apprenticeship. This is a big new project that is taking up a lot of our time and for which we continue to pray that God will direct us to people he has prepared in advance for a change in life. We hope to train at least 10 young people from summer and then take them into our workshop so that we can expand and increase our production capacity. This project is a step of faith but we see that our Father is taking care of us in the midst of these times of pandemic where everything is slowed down and vision are crashing down.
Damien & Njara Matti (Leaders Partner Team Madagascar)