News Life Share Network

In the beginning of 2024 we started 3 main trainings (Kingdom discipleship, Freedom in Christ and Kingdom leadership) in Switzerland. These are some of the main courses that have designed since many years to prepare and equip workers that could take responsibility in community, business and social activities. In the last weeks we have received a good response from the participants that were able to put into practice the input received and could share some the content of the trainings with their contacts and friends. We are planning to replicate these schools in other locations in Europe where we have been recently involved and where new teams have started some new interesting Kingdom projects.

In January we have visited our Life Share Madagascar team. In this country food security is becoming increasingly difficult and will get worse in the coming years with climate change, political instability and economic uncertainty. We were encouraged to see the perseverance of our leaders that started some agro-ecology projects in order to model what people could do in the field of agriculture, livestock and fish farming. A social business have been established to support families in need and help them to get to know Christ. In those days we could pray for many people and shared important Kingdom values to set the local vision on a good foundation.

In April we have finish our renovation work in the house in Valenza (Italy) where we have started the Eden Project ( This project is an ambitious endeavour aimed at developing a model farm that serves as a powerful educational tool for people seeking to embrace rural and community life. The project revolves around the principles of sharing resources, showcasing successful practices, and enabling individuals to replicate our model. By bringing attention to the region and offering practical training, we empower people to adopt effective methods and strengthen relationships within their own communities. We would like to thank the team of the Life Share Switzerland and Italy for the practical contribution in this initiative that would help hundreds of people to get integrated in the workplace, encouraged those who live in depression and host those who feel lonely or isolated.

In the last weeks we have led a team into Romania where we visit some very poor villages. The Muslim Romani people of this region are people who are ethnically Roma and profess Islam. Thousands of people live in ghettos and shanty towns in disgusting conditions and are excluded from society. In these communities, the custom of early marriages is widespread (even before the age of 10-12!!!). Illiteracy and school drop-outs are highly prevalent. Very few children in these communities finish primary school. Because of these factors, there is poverty and lack of family responsibility and children and adolescents grow up in a context of domestic violence. In the outreach we have met few children that didn’t know their names or their age and that have been abandoned since childhood. Our Life Share Network volunteers have been involved in running some children programs and offer medical assistance for people in need. We also finish to restore a house that is used daily as a social counselling center and different after-school activities for kids. 


We area non-profit organisation. Contact us if you would like to make a tax-deductible  charitable donation in Switzerland, Italy, USA, UK, New Zealand, and Australia. Thank you for faithfully following along and helping in various ways to bring Kingdom’s hope in this difficult time. The need remains great, but your generosity has alleviated the distress of people removed from their homes, separated from their families, and fearful for their livelihood. We keep trusting our Father for His grace and mercy in this time of need. Please continue to pray for our ministry and workers in the nations and help us to help others!! God bless you!

Graziano and Sonja CREPALDI 

(CEO and founders Life Share Network)